







AND Academy

AND Academy


AND Academy



Brand Identity


Brand Identity


Brand Identity


Print Design


Print Design


Print Design


Motion Graphics


Motion Graphics


Motion Graphics


UI Design


UI Design


UI Design

A visual brand system that puts typography at the forefront. The custom logotype serves as a direct analogy of ‘stepping up the career’ by upskilling in design, reflecting the transformative nature of design and the growth it leads to. The expanding type keeps the brand active and engaging. The variable font "Antarctica" by NewGlyph type foundry was used in its condensed form, through a carefully crafted equation of type weight, condensation, and size.

The word "AND" enhances the brand's elasticity, extending the platform's strength to future offerings and courses, helping individuals evolve toward their aspirations. We leveraged the conjunction "AND" to create a conversational brand by joining words, phrases, and ideas with "AND" as the bridge, delivering compelling and relatable communications.

With strategic positioning and a conversational approach to the brand identity, the variable type applications complement the brand's highly energetic and contemporary outlook. This approach creates a unique visual stance, keeping the message at the center of the design.


[AND Academy]







[AND Academy]







[AND Academy]







[AND Academy]






Connect at nishthasharmawork@gmail.com

©2019-2024 Nishtha Sharma

Connect at nishthasharmawork@gmail.com

©2019-2024 Nishtha Sharma

Connect at nishthasharmawork@gmail.com

©2019-2024 Nishtha Sharma

Nishtha Sharma

Nishtha Sharma